Processing Birth Trauma and Promoting Improved Perinatal Mental Health

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format




In a culture that provides a false narrative of what birth should look like and a system that isn’t designed to support all birthing people, birth experiences often don't match parents’ expectations. Furthermore, the physical and emotional vulnerabilities of birth in conjunction with our racist healthcare system contribute to high levels of birthing associated trauma. This can extend to birth workers too. Witnessing the delivery of a child and supporting the family during that period can be a wonderful experience. But, what happens when your patient has a traumatic delivery? What if their perception of events does not match others? How do you guide and support parents with processing birth trauma? Nursing schools and the medicalized model of birth do not prepare or provide nurses and other birth workers with the tools to adequately prevent or support our patients through this. Join us as we explore ways nurses can support patients' overall perinatal mental health and the processing of their birth trauma.

Course Content

Processing Birth Trauma and Promoting Improved Perinatal Mental Health
Post Course Survey

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